Bearded dragons rank among the favorite lizard species chosen as pets. They are adorable, engaging, and can even offer affection. However, their appeal goes beyond just these traits. For both seasoned reptile enthusiasts and those brand new to exotic pets, these 5 reasons will surely persuade you of the merits of having a bearded dragon as a pet.
Bearded dragons are intelligent
Unlike some other reptiles whose behavior is solely based on instinct, beardies are intelligent creatures. They’re curious and inquisitive and like to be in-the-know about the going ons of their surroundings. Their above-average intelligence (compared to other reptiles) lends itself to the other qualities that makes the animals so endearing.
They can be affectionate
Reptile lovers are divided on the topic of whether reptiles have the capability to love, but bearded dragons certainly make a case that they experience some feelings of attachment. There are countless stories of bearded dragons cuddling with their owners, laying in the crooks of arms, necks, or on chests. Granted, the case can be made that they’re simply doing it for the body heat. But regardless of their motive, being able to snuggle with your pet is one of the biggest joys of animal ownership and bearded dragons can deliver.
They’re fun to watch
Unlike many other reptiles, bearded dragons are diurnal, which means they sleep at night and are most active during the day. Since their active periods are closely aligned with our own as humans, this gives their owners more opportunities to catch their scaly friends in action. Plus, being the curious little things that they are, beardies are always checking out their surroundings, making them pretty active compared to other reptiles. Don’t be surprised if your bearded dragon pokes their head out when you get home, curious to see who’s at the door.
They’re delightfully low maintenance
Bearded dragons are fairly self-sufficient creatures that don’t require much by means of fancy light setups or temperature settings. Since they are desert dwellers a simple high heat and high intensity UVB bulb will do. Although these lizards are significantly larger than the ones you might see in your backyard, they don’t require a lot of space to house. Most adults can comfortably be housed in a tank that’s between 40 and 55 gallons, that can fit even in a modestly sized apartment. In terms of their day-to-day care, beardies keep it easy only eating a mixture of greens and insects.
Owning one is pretty inexpensive
A pet doesn’t have to be a major burden on your wallet. The biggest costs of owning a bearded dragon come from the initial purchases of buying the terrarium, bedding, lighting and temperature controls. After the initial set up, they’re quite easy to keep on the day-to-day as they are insectivores and primarily eat bugs like crickets and grubs. And not to mention that actually purchasing a bearded dragon itself is relatively inexpensive compared to some other reptile species. Once you find bearded dragons for sale, the price can vary based on the rarity of the bearded dragon morph and breed. All the more reason to go out and experience raising one for yourself.